vineri, 26 iulie 2013

Get to know me tag

1. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Yes, i think i would:D
2. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Sometimes but only with people that know me really well or maybe when i am arguing with people that i can't stand... 
3. Will you ever bungee-jump? Umm, i don't think so. Im not a really fan of extreme sports xD...actually im not a sports fan at all.
4. What's your favorite cereal? My current favorite is Cheerios:3.
5. What is your eye colour? Dark brown.
6. Scary movie or happy endings? Iboth of them
7. Favorite smells? I don't really know but i like every fresh scent.
8. Summer or winter? SUMMER of course!!!
9. Computer or television? Computer cuz i also can watch tv from it .
10. Do you have any special talents? I don't think so, still looking for it XD.
11. Where were you born? Romania.
12. What are your hobbies? Taking pictures, shopping, blogging, watching movies... i don't really know lol
13. Do you have any pets? Yepp 
14. Favorite movie? I have sooo many...i can't pick one.
15. Do you have any siblings? Yes... an older sister.
16. What do you want to be when you grow up? I haven't decided yet.

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